
Author: acrawford4 (Page 6 of 7)

Navigating Social Media and Real Life

“The ability to understand how context, audience, and identity intersect is one of the central challenges people face in learning how to navigate social media” (Boyd 30).

“But more often than not, teens talked about wanting to have a space where they weren’t constantly scruitinized by adults and peers. By becoming anonymous and being an invisible part of a crowd, these teens knew that they weren’t building a reputation within the site”(Boyd 43).

“Teens are struggling to make sense of who they are and how they fit into society in an environment in which contexts are networked and collapsed, audiences are invisible, and anything they say or do can be easily taken out of context” (Boyd 53).

Quiet Reflection

This weekend I sat in my hammock outside for about 15-30 minutes. it was in the morning so it was a little bit cold out and there weren’t a lot of people around. The time went by pretty quick, but I think that part of that was because I was still pretty tired and not really focusing on anything. I think it went pretty well as I was not really thinking about my phone during that time, however I got a little bored at some points. I do relate to Turkle’s TED Talk when she discusses how we as people don’t like being alone. During this activity I found it a little awkward to be outside by myself with no one to talk to. Since we are so connected by technology in todays society it can feel strange and almost uncomfortable when we are alone by ourselves.

Connected but Alone Response

In Sherry Turkle’s TED Talk “Connected, but alone” she discusses the disadvantages of modern technology and how it is affecting our communication and conversations today. Turkle argues that we are substituting communicating through technology for real human connections and conversations, and as a whole it is making it harder for us to talk to each other.

For example, Turkle talks about an 18 year old boy who talks about wanting to be able to have a real conversation at some point. She mentions how this is a result of utilizing technology such as texting to replace actual conversation because it is easier to control. As a result, when people have face to face conversation it is often awkward for them with little communication.

For the most part I agree with Turkle’s claim that people’s use of technology has made it harder to form connections and have meaningful conversations. I have seen it happen with people around me. However, I also believe that people want to be able to have more meaningful conversations now as they realize technology sometimes takes that away.


Music Used: “Stage 1 Level 24” by Monplaisir

Rethinking the essay into podcast format was a little bit difficult at first. Prior to starting the podcast I set up audacity so that was helpful. I think drafting the script of the podcast was the hardest part because I had to get away from the format of the essay, and condense it. However, once I scripted the podcast and did a few drafts of it it was pretty easy to get started. I would estimate that it took me about two hours for figuring out the software, drafting the podcast, actually doing the podcast, and making edits to it.

Revision Reflection #1

When revising my final draft of the Reflective Learner Analysis essay I used some different methods than I usually would. Normally, when writing an essay I would read it over a few times, and look for surface level errors. This time I would make comments on the essay of things to fix, which was helpful because I could resolve them when I was done. Also, multiple people looked at my essay and either made comments or helped me make changes, which I thought was very helpful because I was a little bit unsure about the structure of the first draft. I also thought reading our essays out loud in class was helpful because I was able to catch a few more awkward sounding phrases that I hadn’t noticed before. I am pretty satisfied with my final draft of the essay, because I feel I put a lot of time and effort into it, Also, I was able to switch around the structure and add more content to it which I was having trouble with in the beginning of the writing process.

Throughout the project I utilized all of the processes on Bloom’s Taxonomy. I used remembering and understanding for reading the sources and my own experiences. I also applied Bain and Dweck’s concepts in the essay. Then I analyzed and evaluated how Bain and Dweck’s concepts related to myself and my experiences and incorporated that into the essay. Finally, I was able to create by “putting elements together” such as the essay and changing the structure, and the podcast into a cohesive project.

Podcast Elements

I listened to the Serial podcast Dustwun (season 2 episode 1) about Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl. I liked the structure of this podcast, because I think it would be able to keep the listener interested. The podcast was mainly in a narrative format with the narrator explaining Bergdahls story and time held in captivity by the Taliban. The narrator introduced the story and then used music and it went to a commercial which was a good cliffhanger. Towards the beginning of the podcast snippets of other conversations related to Bergdahl were inserted regarding his release which I thought was interesting. Bergdahl isn’t interviewed directly by the narrator but clips of him talking are inserted. The narrator also interviewed a few soldiers who were in Afghanistan at the same time as Bergdahl.


Critique Reflection #1

During this revision process I thought that highlighting where we used different resources and our own personal experiences was helpful. It showed me if I was using too much of one resource in one spot or too little of another. My use of personal experience Bain’s writing and Dweck’s TED Talk were pretty evenly spread out throughout the essay. This process is pretty different from other revision methods I have used. The one thing I didn’t like about this was with this method that if I go back on the paper to highlight or edit again, most of the paper is already highlighted and might be harder to figure out.

Most of the comments that I received for my peer review were pretty helpful. I like peer review because whoever is reading my paper usually finds some errors which I didn’t catch beforehand which is helpful to me. I think that I will use some of the suggestions from the peer review comments in my final essay.

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