
Month: December 2022

Presenting Change

            We did not get any responses to our surveys from our infographic. This may have been that the infographics were put in a place with not much traffic, or that the nurses were too busy. When considering a potential employer, I would want them to know that I am willing to contribute to quality improvement and evidence-based practice initiatives. I would discuss my background with the CLABSI project and how I would advocate for ways to help prevent CLABSI’s on the floor. 

 I learned a lot about how patients contract CLABSI’s, which most often happens when the hub of the central line is not cleaned properly. Time is often a factor that prevents central line hubs from being cleaned properly.  I also learned that some floors and hospitals may not have the correct supplies (chlorohexidine or alcohol wipes) to clean central line hubs properly, which I had not thought of prior to doing this project. I also learned how it is important to make sure you are not leaving any materials on the bed when cleaning a central line hub such as the alcohol caps, or the wipes and packaging as these could get lost in the patients bedding and/or cause an abrasion. 

            Our team process throughout this project went smoothly overall. We were able to complete all our work on time and were able to split up the responsibilities of the work evenly. We did most of our project during our in-person time and if we didn’t finish any of if, we would put the assignment on a google doc and work together on it. This worked out well, if we had any questions, or wanted to edit any part of the work. One thing I learned about myself as a team member is that I like to work with others and working with a team helps me be more productive. 

Integrating Experience Final Presentation

This presentation focuses on the oppression and marginalization poor, disabled, unemployed, and underemployed people face in the US. We discuss the discrimination that these people face, along with specific healthcare needs for each group, and resources that are available. This presentation also shed light on how we as nurses can better advocate for our oppressed and marginalized patients. We discuss legal rights, healthcare policy, and working towards acceptance and understanding.

Link to Presentation

Presentation Outline and References

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