Through evidence appraisal and synthesis, I discovered a lot more about the variety of psychological effects that can occur after a traumatic amputation. The literature appraisal and synthesis did not really change my assumptions on the topic of amputations, but rather affirmed our research question and topic.  It was interesting to see recurring themes of some of the most common psychological effects (depression, PTSD) throughout each of the research articles. No matter what field of nursing I go into, something that I can take with me from this research is that the mental health of patients is equally as important as their physical health, especially after a traumatic event. It is important to take the patients mental wellbeing into your care, as it can have a big effect on their healing. My teammate and I arrived at similar conclusions about the finding of this research. We both agreed that it was interesting to see the similarities and patterns of healing in many of the patients following an amputation. Our team process is going smoothly, we were both able to split up the work evenly, and help each other if there were any questions.