
Collaboration in Nursing


This painting depicts a team of healthcare workers working together to care for a patient in surgery. They seem to have the situation under control, and all appear very calm in this painting. Each healthcare worker in this painting is doing a different job, but they are still collaborating on how to give the best care for the patient. No one seems frustrated or distracted and they all appear to be very focused on the patient. Collaboration involves two or more people working together towards shared goals. This is especially important in healthcare as one patient usually has a team of providers helping them. Without collaboration patient care would not be as safe or efficient. 


  1. Susan Goran

    Great image! Thanks for including the citation. Nice analysis of collaboration.

  2. Alessia Toohey

    I love the vintage image! I like how you used a more direct image to demonstrate collaboration within the medical field. Since this photo is older, do you think that the advancement of technology has improved collaboration in the hospital now?

    • acrawford4

      Thanks Alessia! I definitely think that advancement of technology has made collaboration in the hospital a more cohesive and smoother process. I think It does depend on the team of healthcare workers whether they have good collaboration but new technology can make it a little easier.

  3. agilbert9

    This picture is a great example of collaboration as it does exemplify calm and collective team work for the same goal. As nurses, we have to really work with everyone to prioritize the patient care and those others also have to work with the nurses. It is a very “simplistic” painting which is important since working together has simple and small steps as well.

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