“The Editor” podcast tells the story of Robin Woods and his unlikely correspondence with Merriam Webster editor Mark Stevens. Robin starts off by discussing the crime that sentenced him to 16 years in Maryland Correctional Institute. Robin had stolen twenty thousand dollars worth of office equipment and was turned in by a friend. This prison sentence was not justified to Robin as he had been to prison before and was never in for this long. MCI was the worst prison Robin had been held in, as the guards were very brutal and often beat prisoners. He described the atmosphere as “every man for themselves”. Robin was later charged for inciting a riot, was beat by the guards and then transferred to another prison and was classified as one of the most dangerous prisoners in Maryland. He knew he was not dangerous as he had “seen the worst of what man can do to each other”.

As a child, Robin started off really liking school but was put into special education and did chores for the school, never really learning how to read. In the new prison he was kept in mostly solitary confinement and one day heard “Library Call” so he picked up two books. Originally he could understand 30-40% of the page but it got easier for him as time went on. Finishing his first book was life changing for Robin as he had defied what people had told him he could never do. Robin wanted to learn more about the world so he ordered a Merriam Webster encyclopedia in 2005. He eventually found an error and wrote to the editor Mark Stevens. Mark responded to Robin congratulating him on finding the error, which Robin described “felt like getting an A in English”. Over the next two years Robin found 12 more errors and continued corresponding with Mark, who began to think of him as a freelance editor for the encyclopedia.

In 2006 Robin found out he was being transferred and couldn’t take his books with him. He wrote to Stevens, who then wrote to the warden and shortened Robin’s sentence. He was released with fifty dollars cash and had trouble finding work and paying rent. However, Stevens would send Robin money throughout their correspondence. Robin and Mark finally met after a decade of correspondence, and discussed many different topics. When Robin got back he found his house was broken into which he found ironic. Robin says he doesn’t read as much anymore because he now gets to experience the outside world, and Mark was laid off from Merriam Webster because people do not read as much anymore. I really enjoyed this podcast, I thought it was very interesting to see the different perspectives that Robin and Mark both had.